Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013

Starbucks, VW, L'Oreal, Manpower

Presentation on companies part 4
Starbucks, VW, L'Oreal, Manpower

Starbucks - SWOT
Starbucks is the biggest, world's biggest roaster and coffee retailer. One of the reasons why they became so big are their strengths. Such as high quality products, satisfied employees or a great product range. But there are also some weaknesses the company has to deal with. For example very hgih prices, a lack of focus on internal apects ar the use of plastic dups and lids, which is not very economical.
Above all, the future predictions are that starbucks will continiously grow. The worldwide demand on coffee products and their use of high quality products are some of their opportunities ( one more is the diversification in their product range to e.g. more none food items). Some threats the company has to face are the growing competition, duch as McDonald's worldwide or the coffee bean in Asia and East Europ, political boycotts and the economic crisis, which slows their sells down.

The biggest strength, which VW has is being the owner  of nine different car brand, that gives them a powerfull market position and a good knowledge of their own products. The weakness, which the company has to deal with are e.g. that they realized the potential of and economical focus too late and also having a bad image oftheir management.
But there are still many opportunities for VW, such as the good reputation in the Asian market or new drive systems. Like all big companies Vw also has to face the economic crisis as a threat and they also have the additional problem of self: connibalization between their own products, wich are very similar.

L'oreal is the nmber one in beauty industry and that is for a reason. They sell a wide range of products including 20 brands which you can split into four divisions. They stand for high quality and sell this with the use of famous faces, such as actresses or models, advertise in movies and magazines and follow the strategy to be present everywhere and make beauty a daily need on which no one wnats to miss out. Their corporate culture is based on people. On their customers as well as on their employees and partners. L'oreal cares about child and slave work, health and security, good working conditions and about sexual and moral harassment and does not support them in any way.

This company stands for providing jobs and jo trainings to group of people, who might have a hard time finding other jobs or some with good conditions: Such as long term unemployed, vistims of disaster, refugees, people with disabilities and youth.
They are against human traffcing, child labour, bad working conditions and really unfair low wages, which makes them be aware of their social responsibilities and actually care for it.

business explanations:
big fish in a small pond:
somebody who has all the power and can dominate others

code of conduct:
rules of behavoiur in the business world

international cadre:
a clear strategy for working internationally

blue chip:
a well-established and well-known

a very large company which is in many different kinds of business

studying the general rule in a theoretical way and then applying this to particular cases, i.e. going from the general to the particular:

looking at particular examples or cases and working out the general rule or principle which they demonstrate, i.e. going from the particular to the general:

learning which involves reading, thinking about and understanding the main idea of an issue:

ca 500 words

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