Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013

SAP, Recruitment, McMarketing, Apple

on the one hand there are problems, because the chinese staff doesn't want to work with people they dont know. They also demand a higher salary and to have the possibility to work abroad. Another aspect linked to the staff is that they are't educated in the way to create innovations. SAP did not know this, so they had a big difficulties in finding researchers on the Chinese market. At the beginning they only acquired seven although their target was to have 40 until the end of 2008. The market position of SAP presented another difficult point. SAP was not known on the Chinese market and their product- the ERP software- was not spread on the market at that time. In addition SAP had to face competition of Microsoft and IBM. Cost but not least SAP, couldn't decide whether they wanted t ostay in their market or not.
Probable solutions to the staff-attracting problem could be to offer the chinese a competitive salary, to give them the possibility to work abroad and to present family solutions. Family solutions means not to choose a company location at a software park outside the city clearer, but to locate it in the city center near schools and to offer them company owned flats. SAP should also go into universities to inform the students about what on ERP-Software is and give free courses with help of that courses people can learn more about that.
SAP could spread information magazines also. This wouldn't just help to cure the staff porblem, but also to make SAP mre populat and competite to MIcrosoft and IBM. In this way I think SAP no longer has t odoubt about the market.

Internal recruitment has lots of positive aspects. The recruited employee knows the company. So it doesn't cost time and money to show him or their company.  This means that the company can decide if the recruitment will have a successfull ending or not. Suc a recuitment rewards the employee for his part performance and also giveshim hope to get  a promotion in the future if he continues his commitment to the organization in teh way he did. Disadvantageous is that other employees could then be unwilling t ocooperate with the recruited person, because of jealousy. Another disadvantage is that there is no new blood in the company - new solutions to problems and innovations could be prevented. External recruitment presents the advantage that this is no competition between the employees yet existing in the company. But to fit into the company. Furthermore it is more costly to hire someone from the outside.

McDonald's has established a "plantown" according to its five P's: people, place, promotion, product, price. According to this plan to own the people should be adressed adapted to their willingness t opay - in this respect one can see that McDonald's has established different price section adequate for the willingness of the people to pay. For example the "McDeluxe" is made for people willing to pay more, the one dollar adverts appeal to people wanting to pay less. The strategy also describes how McDonald's wants to improve the existing product range or expand it according to the customers wishes. Adter the "Supersize Me" - project for example McDonald's also added milk and fruit products to its product range. With regard to the place the company aims at improving the design of the McDonalds stores. To finalize the "plan t owin" McDonald's promotes its products by the help of celebrating endorsement and the strategic cooperation between McDonalds and Walt Disney and Coca Cola for example. It continiously changes its slogan to present in an attractive way, an example is the slogan: " I'm lovin' it' "

Apple 's marketing strategy is unique. It has a strong brand representation. In the media there is a strong brand identity, you can see that for example in the names of the products which are all named according to the Apple name: I Pad, IPhone, etc. Steve Jobs is the one who always presents the new products and does it in the way that everyone thinks that he has really to buy it. Apples products all are innovative and user-friendly-that always makes it to the first innovater, the role model, for all followers. Because of its innovative products Apple can ask for high prices. Weakness is that this process can not go on like this. There will be a point in the future when media devices can't have more functions than MP3, telephoning,... An opportunity would be to go into other markets - for example the household machinery market. Threats could be other companies which also become innovative, more innovative than Apple is.
The future of Apple also looks brilliant if it goes on like it did in the past, but it has to see that there will be an ending of the innovations within the market secotr of media devices.

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