Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013

intercultural business topics

business culture in China: 
Chinese don't like to do business with strangers. They first need to build a common ground, therefore they may ask for personal questions. They are also a high context culture and do not mean what they say literally. You should consider the whole context the business takes place.
They do not like hectic gestures and it is rude to show the sole of the shoes. Business is a relationship and they are focused on trust rather than the business itself. They also like to go out for meetings and like to have an entertainment show, but be aware, they are big drinkers!

how to develop cultural competence: 
You need a lot of characteristics to develop an intercultural competence. You should be open-minded, flexible, reliable and be aware of the differences. It is important to know the differencies and ot to follow stereotypes. Than it is crucial to to train these situations and behavoiur to enlarge own skills. It is hard when you misinterpret situations, but it is even harder when you do something that is considered as rude. Furthermore you need a positive attidude and then with the knowledge about other cultures you will succeed.

communication style in Brazil: Brazilian people first need t oestablish a relationship. They have a higher cordial and complex communication pattern. They often teach eachother and it is quite normal to interrupt while speaking. They try to keep eye contact as it shows interest.
Furthermore they are very spontanious and have a high tone of a voice. Very often they all speak at the same time.

Meetings and negotiations in India: 
a low power distance says the boss is rather a democrat! Subordinates are not centralized and are consulted at their work. They can work on their own and the salary is in a narrow range. In a high power distance culture the boss is an autocrat and has to give strict orders to his team.
They will follow unquestionably and the salaries are very different. Even the manager has a superior status.

How could you assess the outsourcing trend in the business world? Do we need a rich tax in germany Is private equity dangerous?
Outsourcing is a very modern topic since it has a strong connection with teh term globalization. Due to the fact that a lot of countries opened their borders and participated in common trade unions. It is a daily business nowadays. For a global player outsourcing is the only logical consequence to be competitive in a global market. They have to face quaterly reports and most of them follow the path "shareholder value" and its obligations. Therefore steady growth is the needed answer to all questions.
You can only provide this by cost efficiency and an increase of profit. That is the main reason for outsourcing departments or the whole headqarter. It is not as so often argumented the increase of know-how or production efficiency, because you could also import the know-how. For smaller companies outsourcing is not an opportunity, because tehy can not use the factor economies of scale and have to suffer a lot until they can make substainable profits in an unknown market. For the one country it is a fatal effect. Workers are made redundant and if they can find it suitable job, the state has to secure the social service.They also face less tax income and an unattractive ruin of a glory industrial time for the other country it is a gift. COmpanies employ local eople and provide them income for work. Indeed, it is not the same income they earn as it was in the old country but they do not need it. Most of the attractive outsourcing places are emerging countries with a very small level of income.
Most of the people are unemployed and feel happy to have a job. Can we say this about western countries?
Companies even face less tax contributions in emerging countries and get a lot of benefits.
Nowadays it is normal to buy at the cheapest place, for companies it is the same. This trend will survive a long as it is possible. Yet there is a great difference of lost structures, but this will change too. Emerging countries are facing enormous inflation rates and someday they will claim the same social standard as we have and then the time of cheap production is over. They will be in the same situation as we are at the moment. May be companies will go before then to western countries. because they had a crash of their whole system and start a reboot. I am convinced it will happen. Globalization is good for themselves, but the endgame is still in the future and not played yet. Will people change their minds and begin to protect their own industry as it was in the early days
If they want back their standard of living, they have to. This is a cycle that is not avoidable.

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