Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013

Abercrombie&Fitch, McDonald's, Red Bull & Airness

Presentation on companies part 2: 

Abercrombie&Fitch, McDonald's, Red Bull and Airness.

Abercrombie& Fitch: company's marketing/advertising strategy as well as its critisism

Abercrombie & Fitch only uses employees for their marketing campaigns, so no one who is not working at A&F is not allowed  to be used for one of their campaigns.

Seductive and living advertisements of models wearing their clothing or posing made to be presented all over the world.

A& targets a certain group of young adults with their sexual advertisement and their success comes with it, they appear as a rebel on the market. Their concept is about a luxurios lifestyle, even the stores appear luxurious.
They want t omake those people who are purchasing, buying their products feel beautiful and happy.
But there is also criticism an the other side. The employement practises, merchandise and advertising campaigns are advertised as explicit and racist. There was a scandal in the US in 2003, because A&F only allowed white people to work for them. In addition their products are connected to racist slogans for example against brunettes and even against geographic regions.
Their underwear is sold with prvocative slogans in the pre-teen-size and girls T-Shirts are sexualized.
And not to forget: their prices are very high.

Mc Donalds: SWOT analysis
With regard to the SWOT Analysis of McDonald's strength is their marketing power, they reach almost everyone with their jingle and claim in advertising. Their brand force is strong, so everyone knows how the sign of McDonald's looks like and the products are standartiyed in every country.
That means everyone who is visiting another contry can be sure of that there will be be the same products. In addition McDonald's is available worldwide. Unfortunately their are although weaknesses, for example the low quality of products and unqualified staff.
But concerning the future there are opportunities like making the products healthier.
McDonald's is also threatened because of a quality scandal in the US and therefore their customers lose trust.
McDonald's marketing stretegy is very effective. They do celebrity endorsements with for example Manuel Neuer, Beyonce and Heidi Klum and they are always present on the TV as well as in the social media.
Than everyone knows the advertising jingle and claims which are translated into many langugages, so everybody can understand: Ich liebe es, I'm lovin' it...
Furthermore there are coupons available from time to time. WIth those coupons you can purchase a product for a lower price or even get "buy one get one free".

Red Bull:
Red Bull has a very agressive marketing strategy. Red Bull uses all the different channels of the media. For example red bull uses TV, cinema and radio and of course tehy are also presented in social media like facebook and twitter.
Red Bull sponsors a lot of teams from different sport activities like the formula 1. Moreover there are humorous cartoons published transferring the message of "giving your wings". It means even when you are tired and not motivated at all and you drink this energy drink, you can do everything you want and you can achieve anything.
With regard to the SWOT analysis there can be said that Red Bull's strength is that the energy drink is one of the most power energy drinks worldwide.
They put a lot of effort into morketing campaigns, promotion and sponsorship. red Bull represents a spicific, edgy subculture while bieing consumed by a variety of demographic. In addition Red Bull has a lot of versions for example Cola, Shot and special things.
But they also have weaknesses like high prices and the negative press, because the drink can also cause headache & anxiety and interfers with sleep. Moreover it is not a patented product. Concerning the future they also have opportunities, for example strengthen the relationship between Red Bull and teh audience and expand their target markets and production like. But the company is threatened by their competitors, e.g. Monster energy & Rockstar Energy. Additionally there is a negative publicity according to the health risk associated with overconsumption. And you can see a problem of moving forward with the product. Airness initial strategy is dressing athletes outside of the stadium (cisse,..)
But the idea of the growth stretegy is to dress athletes inside of the stadium, for example equip football terms.
Then they want to invent new products which should match with the customer's needs and the company want the products to be unique and and original. Therefore professionals should recommend the orginality and the quality to the people. Moreover Airness wants to try to expand into the whole Europe, for not being just famous in France.
Airness is also present in the social media like facebook and twitter and myspace. But their aim according to the marketing strategy is getting a partnership with different sports shops and reowned footballers.

circa  650 words

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