Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013

Adidas, Nestle, Apple, Facebook

presentation on companies part 5

Adidas, Nestle, Apple, Facebook

Adidas strategy has made a change from a vertically integrated to a global strategy. Adidas wants t ohave a strategy which is decentraliyed, that means they want t ohave a flat hierarchy and want to define more country managers. In other words they want to think globally and act locally.
Furthermore Adidas is a high customer oriented company which includes to improve performance and the studying in society.
Adidas wants to win as a team which means to have a flexible supply chain, support your suppliers that they can ensure save and healthy working conditions in tehir factories and keep always an eye on your employees. Your employees are your biggest assets.

For Nestle it is very important to have a positive attitude towards work. They set value on an atmosphere of mutual trust and it is a company with a small number of rules and written guidelines. In other words Nestle focus more on customers and employees than on benefits. It is a high customer oriented enterprise.
To be competitive internationally, they spend millions of dollars on resaerch & development. They do researches in almost every field which is connectes to food.
Nestle operates only in those businesses where they have a special knowledge and expertise. The swiss company also wants to be a green and open minded company.
SWOT: reasons why Nestle became that powerfull are (strengths):
Nestle profits because of a strong brand name, a high range of products and a strong research & development department.
But they also have to deal with some weaknesses. For example the high range of products distract sometimes from the core business.
The future predictions say that Nestle will continously grow increasing their market share, expand products and innovate new products: this are some opportunities.
Some threats the company has to face are some competitors such as "Unilever".

Apple is the world's admired brand three years in a row. One reason for that is the huge marketing campaign.
Apple deals with brand layalty, unique lifestyle products, simplicity instead of complexity and in particular with emotions. Another reason for the enormous success is the high recognition value with the prefix which includes the IPod Italo-effect.
Thanks to the popularity of "IProducts" Apple could increase sales in other segments such as "Mac Products".
The use of famous actors or models such as Gisele Boudcheu is also a marketing strategy by Apple.
Apple's principles are honesty, respect, confidentiality and compliance.
Honesty and a high ethical standard can be demostrated in a ll business dealings. Treating customers, suppliers, employees is one of the most important aspects for Apple. Protect the confidentiality of information and the information about their customers, suppliers and employees are also very important. The last point how Steve Jobs&Co does business is that they keep an eye on laws & regulations.

facebook is the world's largest social media platform with 500,000,000 active users. Reasons why facebook became that powerful are the strengths. They have a high range of products, a strong financial position & customer loyalty.
The company has also some weaknesses. For example the child safety, sellign data & it is difficult to delete accounts & information. The future predictions say that facebook will continouossly grow. Increasing their market share and expand products and service are some opportunities. Nevertheless the company has also to face some threats like competitors as "MySpace" and "StudiVZ" and legal conditions.
With the criticism of facebook I agree totally that people get addicted to the social life. The face to face contact is getting less important.

ca 550 words

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