Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013

HBOS, BP, building brands, e-commerce

HBOS: how important is customer service in the banking sector and how can you offer a profitable one? 
HBOS focuses on customer service to keep customers and t oaquire new customers. Employers have to have knowledge about the products and services they offer in order to provide what customers ask for. In addition they should know how to handle people and their problems. Social skills are crucial . They want to create a competitive advantage by performing a better customer service than their competition. One reason for that is that products and services of banks are pretty similar. Therefore customer service is the most important part of a bank's activities. To distinguish from their direct competition and to remain profitable.

BP: what are the major issues surrounding corporate mergers? 
BP's merger with AMROCO has been very successful as they reached tangible and strategic synergy prices. Now they are able to compete with other top companies of the industry & governments take them more seriously. But most mergers fail, because they can not make the system work. People have to trust and accept each other in order to build up one new company. Different cultures and languages as well as different organisational structures are hardles that can not be neglected. On order to become competitive, reduce costs, learn from each other and be profitable employees need to build one team with a common goal.

building brands: what is a brand and what are the challenges inolved in building a global brand?
A brand is a promise to the customer. There are certain values attached to a brand like quality or ofun. But it is also just a name, what is more important ar ethe services and the people behind that badge to make a successful brand. The brand creates an image that helps people to define what they stand fo. E.g. buying products from the copy shop symbolizes that they value the environment. Building a global brand is challenging as culture and language differs from country to country. Most of the time it is not possible to implement just one marketing strategy to promote your product and brand. It is importnat to consider religio, demographics or the political situation in a country in order to be successful. 

e-commerce: what maeks a successful e-business and what are the advantages for consumers and companies? 
A successful e-business like Amazon or Dell has to build up a smooth network with suppliers, their own logistic people and delivery partners in order to keep their promises, e.g. delivery within 24 hours. They shouls monitor what their customers buy in rder to predict what they might be interested in next time they visit their homepage. an e-business should provide product descriptions and recommendations fromother customers.
Another crucial part is the design of the homepage and the user friendliness as shopping should be as easy as possible. Customers shouldn't get frustrated.  Advantages for the customers are that that they can choose from a massive selection of products and they dont have to leave their homes doing so.
E-businesses on the other hand benefit form less costs as they do not need shops to offer their products. 

Starbucks, VW, L'Oreal, Manpower

Presentation on companies part 4
Starbucks, VW, L'Oreal, Manpower

Starbucks - SWOT
Starbucks is the biggest, world's biggest roaster and coffee retailer. One of the reasons why they became so big are their strengths. Such as high quality products, satisfied employees or a great product range. But there are also some weaknesses the company has to deal with. For example very hgih prices, a lack of focus on internal apects ar the use of plastic dups and lids, which is not very economical.
Above all, the future predictions are that starbucks will continiously grow. The worldwide demand on coffee products and their use of high quality products are some of their opportunities ( one more is the diversification in their product range to e.g. more none food items). Some threats the company has to face are the growing competition, duch as McDonald's worldwide or the coffee bean in Asia and East Europ, political boycotts and the economic crisis, which slows their sells down.

The biggest strength, which VW has is being the owner  of nine different car brand, that gives them a powerfull market position and a good knowledge of their own products. The weakness, which the company has to deal with are e.g. that they realized the potential of and economical focus too late and also having a bad image oftheir management.
But there are still many opportunities for VW, such as the good reputation in the Asian market or new drive systems. Like all big companies Vw also has to face the economic crisis as a threat and they also have the additional problem of self: connibalization between their own products, wich are very similar.

L'oreal is the nmber one in beauty industry and that is for a reason. They sell a wide range of products including 20 brands which you can split into four divisions. They stand for high quality and sell this with the use of famous faces, such as actresses or models, advertise in movies and magazines and follow the strategy to be present everywhere and make beauty a daily need on which no one wnats to miss out. Their corporate culture is based on people. On their customers as well as on their employees and partners. L'oreal cares about child and slave work, health and security, good working conditions and about sexual and moral harassment and does not support them in any way.

This company stands for providing jobs and jo trainings to group of people, who might have a hard time finding other jobs or some with good conditions: Such as long term unemployed, vistims of disaster, refugees, people with disabilities and youth.
They are against human traffcing, child labour, bad working conditions and really unfair low wages, which makes them be aware of their social responsibilities and actually care for it.

business explanations:
big fish in a small pond:
somebody who has all the power and can dominate others

code of conduct:
rules of behavoiur in the business world

international cadre:
a clear strategy for working internationally

blue chip:
a well-established and well-known

a very large company which is in many different kinds of business

studying the general rule in a theoretical way and then applying this to particular cases, i.e. going from the general to the particular:

looking at particular examples or cases and working out the general rule or principle which they demonstrate, i.e. going from the particular to the general:

learning which involves reading, thinking about and understanding the main idea of an issue:

ca 500 words

intercultural business topics

business culture in China: 
Chinese don't like to do business with strangers. They first need to build a common ground, therefore they may ask for personal questions. They are also a high context culture and do not mean what they say literally. You should consider the whole context the business takes place.
They do not like hectic gestures and it is rude to show the sole of the shoes. Business is a relationship and they are focused on trust rather than the business itself. They also like to go out for meetings and like to have an entertainment show, but be aware, they are big drinkers!

how to develop cultural competence: 
You need a lot of characteristics to develop an intercultural competence. You should be open-minded, flexible, reliable and be aware of the differences. It is important to know the differencies and ot to follow stereotypes. Than it is crucial to to train these situations and behavoiur to enlarge own skills. It is hard when you misinterpret situations, but it is even harder when you do something that is considered as rude. Furthermore you need a positive attidude and then with the knowledge about other cultures you will succeed.

communication style in Brazil: Brazilian people first need t oestablish a relationship. They have a higher cordial and complex communication pattern. They often teach eachother and it is quite normal to interrupt while speaking. They try to keep eye contact as it shows interest.
Furthermore they are very spontanious and have a high tone of a voice. Very often they all speak at the same time.

Meetings and negotiations in India: 
a low power distance says the boss is rather a democrat! Subordinates are not centralized and are consulted at their work. They can work on their own and the salary is in a narrow range. In a high power distance culture the boss is an autocrat and has to give strict orders to his team.
They will follow unquestionably and the salaries are very different. Even the manager has a superior status.

How could you assess the outsourcing trend in the business world? Do we need a rich tax in germany Is private equity dangerous?
Outsourcing is a very modern topic since it has a strong connection with teh term globalization. Due to the fact that a lot of countries opened their borders and participated in common trade unions. It is a daily business nowadays. For a global player outsourcing is the only logical consequence to be competitive in a global market. They have to face quaterly reports and most of them follow the path "shareholder value" and its obligations. Therefore steady growth is the needed answer to all questions.
You can only provide this by cost efficiency and an increase of profit. That is the main reason for outsourcing departments or the whole headqarter. It is not as so often argumented the increase of know-how or production efficiency, because you could also import the know-how. For smaller companies outsourcing is not an opportunity, because tehy can not use the factor economies of scale and have to suffer a lot until they can make substainable profits in an unknown market. For the one country it is a fatal effect. Workers are made redundant and if they can find it suitable job, the state has to secure the social service.They also face less tax income and an unattractive ruin of a glory industrial time for the other country it is a gift. COmpanies employ local eople and provide them income for work. Indeed, it is not the same income they earn as it was in the old country but they do not need it. Most of the attractive outsourcing places are emerging countries with a very small level of income.
Most of the people are unemployed and feel happy to have a job. Can we say this about western countries?
Companies even face less tax contributions in emerging countries and get a lot of benefits.
Nowadays it is normal to buy at the cheapest place, for companies it is the same. This trend will survive a long as it is possible. Yet there is a great difference of lost structures, but this will change too. Emerging countries are facing enormous inflation rates and someday they will claim the same social standard as we have and then the time of cheap production is over. They will be in the same situation as we are at the moment. May be companies will go before then to western countries. because they had a crash of their whole system and start a reboot. I am convinced it will happen. Globalization is good for themselves, but the endgame is still in the future and not played yet. Will people change their minds and begin to protect their own industry as it was in the early days
If they want back their standard of living, they have to. This is a cycle that is not avoidable.

Media Markt, Michelin, BASF & Hornbach Baumarkt AG

Presentations of different companies: 

Media Markt, Michelin, BASF & Hornbach Baumarkt AG

Philosophy of Media Markt as well as its marketing methods:

Media Markt is largest european reltailer of consumer electronics (TV's, PC's, ...)
Every store is a limited company with typical recognition features. The same Logo, promotion and organisation of the store.
For example the colour is the same and a similar range of products is available in every store.

Costumers can find the stores ouside of the inner  city and customers get offered huge parking areas.
Another important point of Media Markt's phylosophy is that the employees work together in a team.
They do not receive any sales comission.

Due to that, there is no competition among the emloyees, they are a well organized team.
The main point for the companies success is their marketing strategy. They always have humorous campaigns with famous comedians like Oliver Pocher in Germany or Mario Barth. The campaign are often adopted to political or international happenings lie Agenda 2010 or the soccer world championship.
Every store has it's own marketing brochure nearly every week. Every CEO is responsible for the range of products: the pricing and regional advertisement. National campaigns are published by Media Markt's headquarter in Ingolstadt (red-blue).
The method of theri marketing stretegy is very successfull and I think they will leave it this way for many years.

Michelin Strategy:
Michelin is european leading tyre manufacturer. They reached this position with a successful lousiness strategy.
The first point is the sustainable mobility. They want t oreduce the greenhouse gas and other and protect the natural rubber production.
Because of their high manufacturing level, MIchelin developed the sustainable energy sources.
To sum it up: Michelin improved the road safety continously.
Another strategy point is the market growth of Michelin. The company wants to expand in more, new and foreign markets to set a focus on the Michelin brand.
The company is in the position of the leader in the tyres production technology. They quickly switched into a higher gear to deliver a greater value to more customers.
Individual commitment is the next strategic point. Michelin has created a balanced performance between corporate needs and personal expectations.
Everyone in the company gets involved into the innovation process. It means that the employees are a main part of the company's success.
Terms like mutual respect and open dialog have a very high rank.
With these combinations and further innovations, it is clear that Michelin will be very successful in  the future.

 BASF: Mission, Vision and strategy of BASF.
BASF is the world's leading producer, developer and seller in the chemical industry.
The company offers intelligent solutions through innovative products and tailormade services.
 They create an opportunity for success, because of trusted and reliable partnerships.
 The vision of BASF is to stay in the position of the world's leader in chemical products.
Because of the environmental protection they strive for their own sustainable development.
An important goal is to collaborate successfully with all major markets. BASF wants t obe "the partner of the choice".
The company welcomes changes as an opportunity to improve their business processes.
The employees are a part of the solution-finding-process. High motivation is necessary to be able to work successful and target oriented.
Very important terms are safety and environmental protection.
BASF need satisfied customers t oexpand in more markets and ensure their success togehter with the employees.
The company is on the best way t obecome "the chemical company".

Hornbach's Philosophy  & Vision of the future

Hornbach is european leading do-it-yourself retail store.
Teh company has a huge range of products. They want to bond long-term customers with great performance and professionality, always low prices and especially first-class guidance.
The Hornbach retail stores can be found easily in attractive locations.
They use strange commercials to get the attention for customers. But commercials are eye-catcher and easy to memorize.
The difference between Hornbach and the most other companies is that Hornbahc wants to grow with it's own strength and not by a forced takeoverfrom other firms or competitors.
Furthermore Hornbach wants to get the attention of female customers. They will create slogans like a " woman at work" to increase their business and especially their customership.

ca 650 Wörter

Abercrombie&Fitch, McDonald's, Red Bull & Airness

Presentation on companies part 2: 

Abercrombie&Fitch, McDonald's, Red Bull and Airness.

Abercrombie& Fitch: company's marketing/advertising strategy as well as its critisism

Abercrombie & Fitch only uses employees for their marketing campaigns, so no one who is not working at A&F is not allowed  to be used for one of their campaigns.

Seductive and living advertisements of models wearing their clothing or posing made to be presented all over the world.

A& targets a certain group of young adults with their sexual advertisement and their success comes with it, they appear as a rebel on the market. Their concept is about a luxurios lifestyle, even the stores appear luxurious.
They want t omake those people who are purchasing, buying their products feel beautiful and happy.
But there is also criticism an the other side. The employement practises, merchandise and advertising campaigns are advertised as explicit and racist. There was a scandal in the US in 2003, because A&F only allowed white people to work for them. In addition their products are connected to racist slogans for example against brunettes and even against geographic regions.
Their underwear is sold with prvocative slogans in the pre-teen-size and girls T-Shirts are sexualized.
And not to forget: their prices are very high.

Mc Donalds: SWOT analysis
With regard to the SWOT Analysis of McDonald's strength is their marketing power, they reach almost everyone with their jingle and claim in advertising. Their brand force is strong, so everyone knows how the sign of McDonald's looks like and the products are standartiyed in every country.
That means everyone who is visiting another contry can be sure of that there will be be the same products. In addition McDonald's is available worldwide. Unfortunately their are although weaknesses, for example the low quality of products and unqualified staff.
But concerning the future there are opportunities like making the products healthier.
McDonald's is also threatened because of a quality scandal in the US and therefore their customers lose trust.
McDonald's marketing stretegy is very effective. They do celebrity endorsements with for example Manuel Neuer, Beyonce and Heidi Klum and they are always present on the TV as well as in the social media.
Than everyone knows the advertising jingle and claims which are translated into many langugages, so everybody can understand: Ich liebe es, I'm lovin' it...
Furthermore there are coupons available from time to time. WIth those coupons you can purchase a product for a lower price or even get "buy one get one free".

Red Bull:
Red Bull has a very agressive marketing strategy. Red Bull uses all the different channels of the media. For example red bull uses TV, cinema and radio and of course tehy are also presented in social media like facebook and twitter.
Red Bull sponsors a lot of teams from different sport activities like the formula 1. Moreover there are humorous cartoons published transferring the message of "giving your wings". It means even when you are tired and not motivated at all and you drink this energy drink, you can do everything you want and you can achieve anything.
With regard to the SWOT analysis there can be said that Red Bull's strength is that the energy drink is one of the most power energy drinks worldwide.
They put a lot of effort into morketing campaigns, promotion and sponsorship. red Bull represents a spicific, edgy subculture while bieing consumed by a variety of demographic. In addition Red Bull has a lot of versions for example Cola, Shot and special things.
But they also have weaknesses like high prices and the negative press, because the drink can also cause headache & anxiety and interfers with sleep. Moreover it is not a patented product. Concerning the future they also have opportunities, for example strengthen the relationship between Red Bull and teh audience and expand their target markets and production like. But the company is threatened by their competitors, e.g. Monster energy & Rockstar Energy. Additionally there is a negative publicity according to the health risk associated with overconsumption. And you can see a problem of moving forward with the product. Airness initial strategy is dressing athletes outside of the stadium (cisse,..)
But the idea of the growth stretegy is to dress athletes inside of the stadium, for example equip football terms.
Then they want to invent new products which should match with the customer's needs and the company want the products to be unique and and original. Therefore professionals should recommend the orginality and the quality to the people. Moreover Airness wants to try to expand into the whole Europe, for not being just famous in France.
Airness is also present in the social media like facebook and twitter and myspace. But their aim according to the marketing strategy is getting a partnership with different sports shops and reowned footballers.

circa  650 words

NIke, Wal-Mart, Lufthansa & Daimler AG

Presentation on companies part 3: 
Nike, Wal-Mart, Lufthansa and Daimler AG

Nike's marketing mix consists of product, price, place and promotion, as every usual marketing mix.
Teh company sells athletic foodwear, apparel and sports equipment, But it doesnt only sell sport articles. It also has a brand, named code transcarriers which sells a line of dress, casual footwear and accessoires for men, women and children.
As Nike sells high premium products, their prices although are adopted to the premium segment of sports products, which means that they are relatively expensive.
Concerning the plac, one can say that they either sell their products through mulit-brand stores or exclusive Nike stores, in each case it's an independent distributor.
Nike took part in some channels or in a channel operation, so that it can influence price politics and  control costs of their distirbutors.
With regard to the promotion everyone can see that Nike is a strong brand. That is why it even promotes itself by by the name of the branch the quality of the brand. It also promotes its products by advertising canpaigns with famous athletes and by sponsoring events.

Wall-Mart is the biggest retailer in the US and world wide als has to have a strategy to be and stay sucessful. Wal-Mart aims at being the biggest retailer by offering the lowest prices and by a low margin, by a huge customer recognition and satisfaction and by differentiating their business sectors.
The corporate strategy consists of the logistical strategy, the purchase strategy and the sales strategy. Logistical strategy just tells that Wal-Mart works with a hardcore system build up on the RFID technology. The purchase strategy consists of the pull and the push strategy. Pull strategy says that Wal- Mart tries to inform people that there is a product and try to convince the individual consumer to buy it by advertising and merchandising. Push strategy means that the producer  makes big advertising campaigns ( for example on the television) and the customer is willing to buy it, so Wal-Mart is forced t otake these products into his product line. You can say that the producer wants to push the product into the market. Wal-Mart's sales strategy is very simple: They indicate to be the best in shifting consumer perceptions. That means that they tell everyone that they are the cheapest retailer, but they aren't only in 25-30% of the cases, just by advertising campaigns and product price positioning.

Daimler's principles are diversity, sustainability and responsibility. Diversity is concretely described in the adaptability of Daimler to emerging markets and different consumer requirements. Additionally the company respects age, origin and gender, so that there is a mixture of people within the employees.
Daimler feels rsponsible for its employees , its customers and the society. SO employees have the advantage of flexible working time methods, child care within the working hours and good wages for example. Responsibility for the customers is shown in innovative security services and high quality products. Society can see Daimler as participant in sports, culture, education and science.

Daimler principle of sustainability can be proven by its always developing products. It produced vehicles with highly optimized combination engines in the beginning, than redeveloped them by the application of hybridization and now is working on. Vehicles without emissions, just running with full-cells or by battery.


Lufthansa is the leading european airline carrier. As such it wants t ostay on the position for example by mergers ar acquisitions.
The company is divided into 5 segments: Lufthansa, Cargo, Passenger Airline, Catering, IT services and Manufacturing Repair and Overhead.
SO the company has different business sector in which it is operating and diversificating. It has a good workflow and a high liquidity and it has a strong brand with a good exposure. Added to that it continiously qualifies its staff.
But Lufthansa is threatened by cheap airlines like German wings and so has t obe competitive by also offering transatlantic routes and building up a bigger network with other related companies by merger and acquisition for example.

Adidas, Nestle, Apple, Facebook

presentation on companies part 5

Adidas, Nestle, Apple, Facebook

Adidas strategy has made a change from a vertically integrated to a global strategy. Adidas wants t ohave a strategy which is decentraliyed, that means they want t ohave a flat hierarchy and want to define more country managers. In other words they want to think globally and act locally.
Furthermore Adidas is a high customer oriented company which includes to improve performance and the studying in society.
Adidas wants to win as a team which means to have a flexible supply chain, support your suppliers that they can ensure save and healthy working conditions in tehir factories and keep always an eye on your employees. Your employees are your biggest assets.

For Nestle it is very important to have a positive attitude towards work. They set value on an atmosphere of mutual trust and it is a company with a small number of rules and written guidelines. In other words Nestle focus more on customers and employees than on benefits. It is a high customer oriented enterprise.
To be competitive internationally, they spend millions of dollars on resaerch & development. They do researches in almost every field which is connectes to food.
Nestle operates only in those businesses where they have a special knowledge and expertise. The swiss company also wants to be a green and open minded company.
SWOT: reasons why Nestle became that powerfull are (strengths):
Nestle profits because of a strong brand name, a high range of products and a strong research & development department.
But they also have to deal with some weaknesses. For example the high range of products distract sometimes from the core business.
The future predictions say that Nestle will continously grow increasing their market share, expand products and innovate new products: this are some opportunities.
Some threats the company has to face are some competitors such as "Unilever".

Apple is the world's admired brand three years in a row. One reason for that is the huge marketing campaign.
Apple deals with brand layalty, unique lifestyle products, simplicity instead of complexity and in particular with emotions. Another reason for the enormous success is the high recognition value with the prefix which includes the IPod Italo-effect.
Thanks to the popularity of "IProducts" Apple could increase sales in other segments such as "Mac Products".
The use of famous actors or models such as Gisele Boudcheu is also a marketing strategy by Apple.
Apple's principles are honesty, respect, confidentiality and compliance.
Honesty and a high ethical standard can be demostrated in a ll business dealings. Treating customers, suppliers, employees is one of the most important aspects for Apple. Protect the confidentiality of information and the information about their customers, suppliers and employees are also very important. The last point how Steve Jobs&Co does business is that they keep an eye on laws & regulations.

facebook is the world's largest social media platform with 500,000,000 active users. Reasons why facebook became that powerful are the strengths. They have a high range of products, a strong financial position & customer loyalty.
The company has also some weaknesses. For example the child safety, sellign data & it is difficult to delete accounts & information. The future predictions say that facebook will continouossly grow. Increasing their market share and expand products and service are some opportunities. Nevertheless the company has also to face some threats like competitors as "MySpace" and "StudiVZ" and legal conditions.
With the criticism of facebook I agree totally that people get addicted to the social life. The face to face contact is getting less important.

ca 550 words

case studies: BP, Office Angels, corporate responsibility & sony

BP, Office Angels, corporate responsibility & sony:

BP: why do companies merge and what are the impacts on teh companies themselves, their staff, investors as well as customers?

companies merge because they have to get synergy effects. They are divided in tangible or intangible effects. Tangible effects could be be reasonable like less costs, higher customerbase or economy of scale. Intangible are e.g. in teh case of BP, the power to handle governmental issues or negotiating rights for oil discovery.
Companies can get an advantage if they currently suffer from bad performance, high costs, debts or something like that. They can win power. Market access or ... can avoid sales restrictions or tariff barriers in foreign countries. Staff can get bigger problem, because mergers are axpansive and a very popular way for companies to find money is to save staff. Some parts do not have to be done twice.
Customers and investors can get some problems, because the "new" big company has to aapt new structure, business mission or corporate culture that can be a reason that investors try to get out of responsibility and customers t otry to find another company with equal products but better service.

Office Angels: How does the company keep its workforce as well as its business partners satisfied?

Office Angel's culture says they want to have happy staff, because people ( customers) would like to work with the same people (staff) again and again.
Tehy want that their staff tries to build relationship, get to know theit customers and take ownership. They also believe that a customer would recognize when a staff memberis not satisfied and just plan a role. How do they get their staff happy?
Office Angel's believe in incentive's schemes like CD's instead of holidays, development, award-dinners or take the best teams on a trip every year. They motivate their staff to be a part of a company. They empasize that everybody of the company who wnats to open own branch is very welcomed to do this.
Another very important part of the culture is that they are encouraged to get out of the offices t osee their customers face-to-face, because that makes it easier to build a relationship.

corporate responsibility: why should companies pay attention to the environment and what are the benefits of "good corporate citizenship"?
CR is very important part of a company it is our future and if the companies don't take care of it they will be a disaster.
But what is really interesting for companies?
Money, you can aern a lot of money with waste so that is interesting for companies to take care of it.
Ans you can save a lot of them if you produce more effectively.
People are also very aware of clean companies so that if you are really responsible with it, you can increase sales, because people like those marketing ideas like e.g. drinking beer for the forest, saving petrol with hybrid-cars etc.
Some researchers discovered that long-term stakeholders oriented companies are more successfull than short-term shareholders , value oriented companies and this is also a tangible asset for companies.
But not everything about image and money, some ressources are not renewable which makes it t oa very serious problem and we should introduce the same pollution norms all around the world, not just in Europe. Because wasting environment in Asia or USA seems to be a bigger problem if they don't change their behavoiur.

Sony: What do you think of the company's marketing strategy of the robotic dog AIBO?
Their strategy of AIBO seems quite interestin, because they introduce themselves with a nice momentum as possible. They use public relationship, magazines, nespapers, TV, Radio, Internet, and in-shop informations. They use everything that could be a good idea so that everybody can see, read and hear about it and can do research after getting a teaser or read an advertisement.
It is quite difficult to coordinate all these are very important, because they have an independent opinion and can describe the positive features from customers to customer.
They want t oemphasize just the technical features, they want to build a community where you can share your experiences with others via internet.
AIBO is planned to be a part of the family not just an IT fun or toy.

FC Barcelona, PIIGS, BRIC countries & Wal-mart stores in China

Presentation and case studies on FC Barcelona, PIIGS, BRIC countries and Wal-mart stores in China.

FC Barcelona:

Barea developed a virtous circle which he divided in 3 main parts: social, economic and sportive activity.
Sportive activity consists of (the best palyers) and (win championships).
Social activity consists of strengthen and grow global for base and expand revenue sources, control costs and healthy financials.
The club should be go global, because the market is quite big. Europe e.g. has 80 millions football interested people, China and Japan more than 700 million and they have a growing standard of living, growing purchasing power, the biggest TV market on the earth and the most important point of Barea, football is mainstream sport and attracts many people.
Exhibition are very popular, stadions are sold out and promoters are paying very high fees. 75 % of Barceas turnover are not from Spain.
Another indicator is that players from all around the world play in Europe and so the fans have someone they can support and identify with. SOme more facts ar ethat the premier league already broadcast into 190 countries, Real Madrid open a football academy in China as well as Nike published a statistic that the Barea shirt is the top-selling product in Japan. Go global is very importnat for Barea to be a global leader.

PIIGS: why are Europe's PIIGS getting so much attention and what are the reactions of their governments?

PIIGS are getting much attention, because they are the countries with the highest unemployement rate, highest national debt and highest budget deficit rate across Europe.
These made the euro losing trust and it decreased a lot, because there was a high uncertainty about the ability to make payments of this countries.
All the countries try to save money, governments of European countries and IMF discussed and created an aid package for them. But first of all they have to help themselves. Ireland already started a cost-cutting program in 2009, so that they are more fruitable and can finance their deficit with bonds.

Spain e.g. cut wages of civil servants (5%) withdrawal  bonuses from 2011 and stopped infrastructure investment.
Italy with the highest national debt. (150% of GDP)
are less future oriented and hav a lack of research and infrastructure investment and with just 1,5% growth in the last decade. It seems t obe difficult to get down of this debts without saving the next years and cutting costs.

Greece as biggest problem cut also civil servant wages. Try to avoid more tax evasion and corruption and finance their deficit of 13,7 % with help of the aid package as well as new bonds.
They also indtroduced new taxes from alcohol, cigarettes and increased the VAT.

BRIC countries: SWOT analysis of  BRIC countries.
the main strengths of BRIC countries are their natural ressources, competitive economic ..., they have a big amount of foreign currency reserves and they have also more and more skilled, well-educated workforce and growing international influence.
Weaknesses are still lack of infrastructure, a hig disparity between country side and cities, e.g. in China their banking sector.
The main opportunity is their growing international influence they are a very strong force against USA, Europe, etc.
Increasinf investments in infrastructure often for Olympic Games and World CV's, are also very important to get more stability.
Other countries are very intersted in BRIC countries that their foreign investment is also considered as oportunity of BRIC's. Some countries are in front of new elections and nobody knows what happens with new minister and governments. Their threats are often considered with other countries and regions. e.g. Kashmir conflict, Taiwan question or Georgia conflict.
In some countries it is although a lack of infrastructure investment or dramatic interest-rate risks. Elections could be considered as threats as well.

Wal-Mart stores in China: company's strategies as well as its market entry in China in terms of opportunities and challenges.

Wal-Mart strategy is to retreat loss-making countries like Germany or South Korea and may be Japan in the near future.
In China there was a total sales of 680 in the year 2005 and in the year 2020 they expect a total sales value of 25 trillion. This shows what a big potential is in China. But they have to survive a lot of challenges.
The hav a big competition with international and local players, profit margins fell, store productivity fell as well as sales also decreases.
Another problem is the lack of street systems and toll fees (at least 10% of freight costs).
They also have to consider income disparity, local protectionism, labour unions, shopping behavoiur(frequent little shopping trips), limited expansion (shops, stores need approval) and the ... of satellite system usage. But they need a web-based system for distribution and if they launch a system, just 30% of the suppliers are connected. But if they can work with these problems and a bad economy of scale they can make a good money, because of the potential and the increasing standard of living.

The economist wrote an article about germany in March 2010. They talked about the current situation in the country, their past and what will happen in the future. Ulm is a good example was forced to big problems, because their Mittelstand companies are suppliers for machine or car producing companies.
But the region had less unemployement rather than the rest of the country and they will be better preapred for an increasing economy than other countries. But this region shows a german problem. There are many people without good education, often showing bad background and the population is getting older. They adapted Swabian habits and try to master german. Another problem is the falling number of school leavers, missing number of engineers or workforce in general.
The biggest german challenge is integration and it will be more and more important,because more and more people will have migration backgrounds.
Germany depends on export and although they have less population in future, they will have a lot of unemployed people too. That shows that their is a big ... of education needed and offered, the other also mentioned that the social welfare declined and more growth is sectored.

Mr. Götz as example told how they try to educate their workforce, but the german dual system is often used to be for education and after 3 years people do not get a new contract.
As mentioned Schlecker as example for ht epower of labour unions who tried to cut costs with closing stores and re-opening with less expansive temporary staff.
In Germany they have to handle strong unions wich help to keep production locations in Sindelfingen.
Germans miracle is also known with the Kurzarbeit which made companies very flexible during the crisis. And that is very important for the Mittelstand, because they are very long-term oriented and not fixed on shareholder values. ut they have to make money and export will increase again, because BRIC countries already started to increase their demand.

SAP, Recruitment, McMarketing, Apple

on the one hand there are problems, because the chinese staff doesn't want to work with people they dont know. They also demand a higher salary and to have the possibility to work abroad. Another aspect linked to the staff is that they are't educated in the way to create innovations. SAP did not know this, so they had a big difficulties in finding researchers on the Chinese market. At the beginning they only acquired seven although their target was to have 40 until the end of 2008. The market position of SAP presented another difficult point. SAP was not known on the Chinese market and their product- the ERP software- was not spread on the market at that time. In addition SAP had to face competition of Microsoft and IBM. Cost but not least SAP, couldn't decide whether they wanted t ostay in their market or not.
Probable solutions to the staff-attracting problem could be to offer the chinese a competitive salary, to give them the possibility to work abroad and to present family solutions. Family solutions means not to choose a company location at a software park outside the city clearer, but to locate it in the city center near schools and to offer them company owned flats. SAP should also go into universities to inform the students about what on ERP-Software is and give free courses with help of that courses people can learn more about that.
SAP could spread information magazines also. This wouldn't just help to cure the staff porblem, but also to make SAP mre populat and competite to MIcrosoft and IBM. In this way I think SAP no longer has t odoubt about the market.

Internal recruitment has lots of positive aspects. The recruited employee knows the company. So it doesn't cost time and money to show him or their company.  This means that the company can decide if the recruitment will have a successfull ending or not. Suc a recuitment rewards the employee for his part performance and also giveshim hope to get  a promotion in the future if he continues his commitment to the organization in teh way he did. Disadvantageous is that other employees could then be unwilling t ocooperate with the recruited person, because of jealousy. Another disadvantage is that there is no new blood in the company - new solutions to problems and innovations could be prevented. External recruitment presents the advantage that this is no competition between the employees yet existing in the company. But to fit into the company. Furthermore it is more costly to hire someone from the outside.

McDonald's has established a "plantown" according to its five P's: people, place, promotion, product, price. According to this plan to own the people should be adressed adapted to their willingness t opay - in this respect one can see that McDonald's has established different price section adequate for the willingness of the people to pay. For example the "McDeluxe" is made for people willing to pay more, the one dollar adverts appeal to people wanting to pay less. The strategy also describes how McDonald's wants to improve the existing product range or expand it according to the customers wishes. Adter the "Supersize Me" - project for example McDonald's also added milk and fruit products to its product range. With regard to the place the company aims at improving the design of the McDonalds stores. To finalize the "plan t owin" McDonald's promotes its products by the help of celebrating endorsement and the strategic cooperation between McDonalds and Walt Disney and Coca Cola for example. It continiously changes its slogan to present in an attractive way, an example is the slogan: " I'm lovin' it' "

Apple 's marketing strategy is unique. It has a strong brand representation. In the media there is a strong brand identity, you can see that for example in the names of the products which are all named according to the Apple name: I Pad, IPhone, etc. Steve Jobs is the one who always presents the new products and does it in the way that everyone thinks that he has really to buy it. Apples products all are innovative and user-friendly-that always makes it to the first innovater, the role model, for all followers. Because of its innovative products Apple can ask for high prices. Weakness is that this process can not go on like this. There will be a point in the future when media devices can't have more functions than MP3, telephoning,... An opportunity would be to go into other markets - for example the household machinery market. Threats could be other companies which also become innovative, more innovative than Apple is.
The future of Apple also looks brilliant if it goes on like it did in the past, but it has to see that there will be an ending of the innovations within the market secotr of media devices.