Sonntag, 26. Januar 2014

marketing across cultures, negotiations across cultures, using networking sites at work, business benefits of online technologies

business-frog                   the grass is always greener

Marketing across cultures: description of the areas of cross cultural differences in marketing

If you want to do marketing in several cultures, you have to look on several points like: language, colors, gestures, religion, is the society more collectivistic or individualistic, the values of the culture.
If you have an american marketing campaign and you want to put it in the asian market, you have to translate it right, so you can overcome the misundestandings. The colour is a very important point. Be aware what kind of colours you use for your campaign. There is a good example on this issue with a famous company Pepsi. For example Pepsi in East Asia. The light blue colour stands for death. As white stands for death in China. Be aware of gestures. Do not use gestures that have different meanings in their cultures. Religion is a big point. For example McDonald's in India. They put lamb instead of beef into their hamburgers, because they believe in India that cows are holy animals and it is forbidden o eat them.

Negotiations across cultures: a guideline for a successfull negotiation as well as the 4 dimensions of intercultural negotiations

It is better to follow guidelines in negotiations with different cultures, so you do not get in trouble and strange situations. Try to avoid gestures. In some cultures gestures are welcomed, mostly in east european countries.
Negotiations with Russians:
If you want to d obusiness with Russians you have to be punctual and you have to take your time. Because Russians do not like one-spot-decisions. They tend to make negotiations long nad you have to be able to go for couple sessions there to negotiate with Russians. So they are very unflexible in this case. You have to start with easier points and than you you move into more complexe topics later, step by step. Russians always decide themselves for the low-cost solution. So the money has more value than the time that you have invested into this. Agreements should be done by lunchtime or at the dinner table. Do not go over night if you negotiate with Russians, start the next session on the next day.

Differences between men and women in negotiations:

Men and women are very different in their way of communication. WOmen talk much more and much longer than men do.
Women are better communicators and if men talk, than men talk mostly about things and equity.
Women talk about feelings, people. Men are very direct and women are more indirect.

Essay: should networking sites be banned from work 

Social networking sites such as facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc are very hyped and more a mainstream at the moment. Many people join thus social platforms and they communicate with their friends or families on this level. That means also workers are present on the social websites. The question is: should networking sites be banned from work?

A total ban would be an overreaction, because sensible employers should know that the employees spend the most of their time with working. So, it is possible that the workers can visit those websites during the breaks. But it is unexcusable if they exploit the moment and spend hours on facebook, twitter, etc. It can also have some advantages if workers join social networking sites. They can get some important information that it benefit their work. It can also be that they become more motivated or more creative, because they have visited social networks websites during their breaks. So they can bring their full effort for the work.
But it has also negative effects of using such social websites. If an employee make use of it, he or she will spend hours surfing the internet and will not work. So social platforms are more for social private situations and not for work. The employee comes  to work and has to work to get his or her money at hte end of the month. If an employee is surfing the internet instead of working, this behaviour would cost his or her company more and it would be a financial loss. In the same time, that he or she is surfing online and enjoying communicating with other, he or she could have already done his or her work for the company. It is possibly necessary to set off a range of rules for not allowing surfing social websites and the employee would put his full concentration and effort into his work.
To sum up the pros and cons I would rather say that it is ok that employees could use social website duringtheir breaks, but it would be bad if they would disuse the situation. The employee has to find out the right measure for using social websites that a set off regulations or policies would be unnecessary.

The sales of online companies are increasing; There seem to be some arguments for going online. Here are some attitudes to business benefits of online technologies: 

Richness: you can decide between several media opportunities, e.g. video banner, pop ups, pictures, ...

global standard & ubiquity: you can reach such a mass of people all over the world with the internet.

Interactivity: the communication and interactive behaviour of consumers and business oganizations offers a time-saving and at the same time service-oriented opportunity.

social technology: everybody is involved and can handle it to go online.

It is a future market, you need to be there if you want to be successful. As well as density of information, personalisation, and customization.

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