Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014

interesting good business english topics: terminology, business sentences to use, explaination of business vocabulary, HRM, building global brands,..


The terms of the contract are agreed by the parties.
The contract is drafted by an attorney.
The finished contract is signed by the parties.
One of the parties breaches a contract term.
The other party commerces legal action.
The parties try to settle the case out of court.
But the parties cannot agree, so litigation continues.
The case goes to a full bearing.
The judge delivers a ruling.
The claimant is or is not awarded damages.

business sentences:
We at SAB are celebrating our tenth anniversary this week! Sarting with only three employees in 2001, we are now one of the leading companies in the software branch. Each of our 60 agencies is a daughter and offers you consistently high quality. Our company's 500 employees are all very engaged. As you can read in our prospect, Martin Eismann, a man of genial ideas, has contributed most to our company's success.Martin, a former mathematician, has a funded technical knowledge ans is a specialist in creating software programmes for noble properties.

In January the employees will get a bonus. We aren't suprised about that. Our deals were very profitable last year. Should the CEO donate half of the bonus? The crisis in Greece cannot be overseen.

Explaination of business words:

win-win solution = An agreement that benefits both sides.

Bottom line = The lowes result that a negotiator will accept.

walk-away point = The stage when it becomes clear that there will be no agreement.

principled negotiator = A person who considers the interests of both parties.

BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) = The course of action you or your company will take if the talks fail.

Definition of financial terms:

Debtors: A person who owes somebody money.
Assets: Things in a corporation that are valuable.
Creditors: People to whom somebody owes money.
Equity: value of a company's shares.
Liabilities: Debts a company has, money you owe.
Deposit: A part of money that is given for a larger payment.
Standing order: Instruction for a bank to pay a fix amount of money on the same day each month.
Loan: Maney that a bank lends.
Overdraft: Maney that you owe when you have spent more than you had on your bank account.
GDP: Services within a country in 1 year.
mortgage: A legal agreement by which a bank lends somebody money to buy a house (for example).

business sentences: Thank you for being here today. I had to knock together this presentation, so please excuse any mistakes. I'll be the first to break the news. Studies have shown that the percentage of left-handed people is increasing worldwide, so we're going to produce tools for left-handers.

Our marketing campaign to plug the products begins on International Left-Hander's Day, on 11 January. I believe this new line will generate a lot of buzz quickly. We have to strike while the iron is hot. I do not want to jump to conclusions, but I have the feeling we are going to make a lot of money: we will be able to take it in. Every evening horrible pictures are broadcasted on TV: Our department looks after our clients and customers in Germany. I would like to help. What do you think about this business issue?

Investment banking: what are the characteristics of Hedge Funds, their strategies and what are my  views on them?

There is no precise definition of  Hedge Fonds, but it can be described as agressive investments in domestic and international markets to generate high returns. There are different strategies such as "Arbitrage", "Global -Macro", "Event Driven" and "Equity Based". "Arbitrage" means that in one stock market (e.g. NYSE) a share costs for example 160 Euros and is sold, so there is reduced demand for this share. At the same time the same share at another stock exchange market costs 140 Euros and there is increased demand, so the price of this share adjusts at 150 Euros.
In my opinion Hedge Fonds have too much influence on financial markets worldwide. THere is only minimal regulation and the priority goal of hedge fond managers is profit. THey  are even willing to bet on bancrupcy of countries so I think that there really should be more regulation.

HRM: what is the recruitment process as well as the performance and compensation management of HRM?
THe process of recruiting describes the identification, selection and attraction of capable candidates for current or future needs. A company can do this in its own way (internal search) or with help of job agencies. Referrals or head-hunters. To make sure that organisational goals are met, managers should hold meetings with the staff and introduce periodical reviews of the employee's performance.
The level of compensation depends on the menagement phylosophy, on the kind of business and on how profitable the business is. 

Emerging giants: The strategies for going global.

There are three strategies for going global. THe first is called: " Replicate business models in markets with similar structures". To build scale, companies can extend the business business models developed in their home county to new, similar markets. For example the company "Zain" from Kuwait saw a familiarity, similarity with the African region and culture and established business there. Zain filled institutional voids and was prepared to complete when competitors entered.
THe second is"Adapt business models to developed markets". COmpanies from emerging markets enter developed market to get access to new technologies and retailers. They can start from a local company understanding the local market like Teva from Israel did in a joint venture with a US company. So Teva was prepared to complete once companies from developed markets entered Israel.

The third strategy is "Aquire global capabilities, through global institutions". This is to be seen as a compensation for the home market voids and to fast track the entry to developed markets, e.g. through "overseas acquisitions", like Tata from India aquired Jaguar.

Fiat -Chrysler Alliance: Marchionne's 10 point plan as well as the Fiat-Chrysler opportunity.
Within the "10-point-plan", Fiat wanted to boost sales, reduce platforms, improve manufacturing, increase carryovers and cut costs. Forthermore  the company wanted to add partners, enter new segments, share best practices, get new designs to market faster and upgrade and expand dealers.
Chrysler ( one of the three biggest car manufacturers in the USA) searched for a partnership. THen both "married". Marchionne ecame the CEO of Chrysler and was closely involved i nthis business. There also were three milestones in the history of Fiat and Chrysler.
1st: a new fuel efficient engine was introduces for production in the US.
2nd: Chrysler-products were distributed outside the US, 3rd: a chrysler-branded vehicle was built on a fiat platform for the first time. All in all it was a good opportunity. Fiat started t osell the "500" in the USA with new features and adapted to the US-market.

Building brands: how do you build a global brand and what are the challenges you might encounter?
Brands are built by visibly manifesting a global identity and the "personality" of a company (corparate identity). Brands are also created by providing a good service and products with a very good quality. The challenge is for my brand to be difficult to imitate and to stand out of the crowd. A good strategy is to be funny, challenging and innovative. Once a company established a brand, it facilitates the achievement of its business objectives. 

summary of the main ideas of the business text "Good friends are there to help"

The text " Good friends are there to help" by Ferry Batzoglou and Manfred Ertel appeared in teh magazine " Spiegel" on November 16th, 2011 and describes the real story of what is behind China's investments in Greece.
As Greece is struggling wit hits finance policy, the country is looking out for help all over the world. China offered Greece to invest in their country and Greece accepted it, believing that China would help them out of trouble. But Greece thinks that China has another intention. China aquired rights to a container port in Greece and instead of creating well-paid jobs for unemployed Greeks, the Chinese employer is paying little and hiring unexperiences workers. Papandreou's decision t osign contracts within China made may be a bit too fast without considering risks and disadvantages, but the money they needed so urgently stood in the first place. Now Greece is realizing the problems and China is admitting that they are no "white knights".
To sum everything up, it became clear that China was only looking for own profits and established a "gateway to Europe" by investing in greek ports and companies. The european governments need to make decisions on how to deal with th situation.

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